This post is inspired by one of our top yoga retreat leaders and Kundalini yoga masters, Mehtab Benton. Join Mehtab this November 2-8, 2019 in Los Cabos, Baja, Mexico at a luxurious retreat center and save $200 when you book by June 15th!
Relish in daily restorative practices of gentle Kundalini yoga, yoga Nidra and the healing sound of the gong. Practice meditations, pranayama, and Ayurvedic relaxation techniques, together create a week-long experience of total relaxation by the sea. All the details are here.
Perfect Kundalini Sadhana – Do these 3 Practices Daily and Change your Life
There are over 3,500 Kundalini Yoga practices yet there are three practices that when done regularly, are all you ever need.
These three Kundalini Yoga practices do it all. They balance the five elements (tattvas) of the body, align the seven energy centers (chakras), and regulate the five basic energies (vayus) of the subtle body.
When all three are practiced daily as a Sadhana, life becomes transformed in ways that are unimaginable to a Kundalini Yoga practitioner. They provide a complete therapeutic approach to healing.
And having said all of that, they are the most basic and fundamental practices that create the foundation of Kundalini Yoga.
#1 Breath of Fire
The benefits of Breath of Fire are vast. A few include: it strengthens the nervous system to resist stress, Increases physical endurance and prepares you to act effectively, and adjusts the subtle psycho-electromagnetic field of the aura so that the blood becomes energized. Learn more benefits and see how to practice Breath of Fire here.
Source: 3HO Foundation
#2 Kirtan Kriya (Sa Ta Na Ma Meditation)

Image: 3HO Foundation
Yogi Bhajan said at Winter Solstice 1972 that a person who wears pure white and meditates on this sound current for 2-1/2 hours a day for one year, will know the unknowable and see the unsee-able. Through this constant practice, the mind awakens to the infinite capacity of the soul for sacrifice, service, and creation. Learn how to practice Kirtan Kriya here
Source: 3HO Foundation
#3 Sat Kriya
If you have time for nothing else, make this kriya part of your daily promise to yourself to keep the body a clean and vital temple of God. The rhythmic contraction and relaxation produces waves of energy that circulate, energize, and heal the body. Learn how to practice Sat Kriya here.
Source: 3HO Foundation
Surprised? Probably not. But very few Kundalini Yoga students and teachers do all three every day. If you do, then you are doing what I call the Kundalini Yoga Therapy Sadhana. Like every sadhana, there are various levels you can choose to engage these practices, from that of a beginner to a long-term practitioner, depending upon how long you choose to do them.
The main thing is to do the three practices daily as you can manage. Begin where you are and see where these can take you.
Mehtab is a lifelong practitioner of Kundalini Yoga, a professional certified Vedic astrologer, and an internationally renowned Gong teacher. He leads Kundalini Yoga teacher trainings throughout North America, conducts gong trainings in the United States, South America, Europe, Asia and Australia, and guides spiritual seekers world-wide using the ancient tools of Jyotish or Vedic Astrology.
New to the power of Kundalini Yoga and the energetic upgrades and transformations it brings you?
Experience all three of these potent Kundalini practices and more this November in Baja with Mehtab and Guru Karam. Beginners to Kundalini yoga are welcome! There is even an option to add on a Gong Yoga Course.
See the full details of what this magnificent retreat includes and pictures of what you can expect here:
Check out our line up of yoga retreats and adventures here.